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What are Confluence inline comments and how do you add them?
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What are Confluence inline comments and how do you add them?

A headshot of Simon Kirrane
Simon Kirrane
22nd April, 2024
2 min read
A Confluence page with an inline comment colourfully highlighted
A headshot of Simon Kirrane
Simon Kirrane
22nd April, 2024
2 min read
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What are inline comments?
Why use Confluence inline comments?
How to add Confluence inline comments
Navigating inline comments

Confluence inline comments leave no room for silly mistakes. Here’s how inline comments keep your communication tight, and your work tighter.

Want to quickly share ideas and suggestions with teammates in the most relevant context? You’ve come to the right place! Inline comments are a feature that make Confluence one of the best collaboration tools around.

Let’s talk inline comments in Confluence, and how you can use them for yourself.

What are inline comments?

Inline comments are comments that appear next to specific words or lines of text on a published Confluence page. These differ from regular comments in Confluence, which appear in a singular comment box below the page.

Users can easily identify where inline comments have been left on the page, as the text that you comment on is highlighted in yellow. (Read our guide on different ways to highlight text in Confluence.)

Why use Confluence inline comments?

  • Clearer communication: Inline comments remove any doubt as to what you’re referring to in your comments - or what you should be editing in your own work.

  • Faster editing: No scrolling to the bottom of your page to read comments, then up to find where on the page you need to edit (and repeat). The information is exactly where you need it.

How to add Confluence inline comments

Note: You can only add inline comments to published pages.

1. Go to the page you’d like to add inline comments to.
2. With your cursor, highlight the text you want to leave a comment about. You’ll see the Comment option appear.
A screenshot of a user highlighting text on a Confluence page. Above the text there is a comment button
3. Click Comment. Type your comment into the box.
4. Click Save.
A screenshot of text highlighted in yellow, showing that the text has an associated inline comment

Navigating inline comments

There are two ways to easily switch between different Confluence inline comments:

  • To view the previous inline comment, click the up arrow above the comment, or use the keyboard shortcut P.
  • To view the next inline comment, click the down arrow above the comment, or use the keyboard shortcut N.

Curious about other ways to make working in Confluence easier? See our guide to getting the most out of your Confluence.

Create clearer pages in Confluence

Build pages that users value with Content Formatting Macros. You can even use inline comments with macros such as Tabs and Backgrounds!
Written by
A headshot of Simon Kirrane
Simon Kirrane
Senior Content Marketing Manager
With a 20-year career in content marketing, Simon has represented a range of international brands. His current specialism is the future of work and work management. Simon is skilled at launching content pipelines, establishing powerful brands, and crafting innovative content strategies.

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