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Why you need to use your Confluence Personal Space
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Why you need to use your Confluence Personal Space

A headshot of Will Kelly
Will Kelly
28th December, 2023
3 min read
A child's drawing and note pinned with magnets
A headshot of Will Kelly
Will Kelly
28th December, 2023
3 min read
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What is a Confluence Personal Space?
Use personal spaces for internal knowledge sharing
Use personal spaces for work management
Use personal spaces for idea sharing
Customise your Confluence personal space
How to include personal spaces in your Confluence strategy

Confluence’s personal space is one of its most neglected features, but it can offer you another channel to keep on top of projects and share your expertise.

With collaboration tools such as Confluence,  every user has a personal space to make notes and share their expertise away from the normal project collaboration channels. Sadly, users frequently overlook this feature, which is especially unfortunate in today’s remote and hybrid work era. Let’s explore personal spaces in Confluence.

What is a Confluence Personal Space?

A Confluence personal space is similar to a regular Confluence space, but it is assigned to one specific user. It’s an ideal place to write personal notes, blog posts, and draft documents before they're ready for the eyes of the wider team.
A Confluence personal space showing a woman's picture and details about her interests
A Confluence personal space is a showcase of you and your thoughts

Ways to use your Confluence personal space

Internal blogs for knowledge sharing

There's more to collaboration than team projects in a hybrid or remote work environment. Confluence personal spaces let you create internal blogs, which you can use to share information with your coworkers, such as your analysis of a recent industry trade article or blog. Coworkers can “watch” your space and see the latest updates across Confluence.

Personal work management

Your personal space is an ideal canvas for keeping track of project progress and meeting notes for your tasks that would clutter a shared team space. This helps you prepare for meetings, keep track of personal blockers, and refresh your memory with essential information in one convenient space.

Idea sharing with a Confluence personal space

Idea sharing is a sign of generosity but isn’t always meant for a team space, especially when cloud and emerging technologies come into play. A Confluence personal space is ideal for sharing what you may learn from reading a trade journal article or from an online training course.

Expertise and information sharing are integral parts of a generous corporate or team culture, especially in the era of cloud and DevOps, when continuous learning is imperative to remain competitive. A Confluence personal space has the features to serve as that idea channel, especially as your teams face challenges on cost, management, and security fronts.

Further customisations for knowledge sharing

You have access to the same Confluence macros for your personal space that you have with any Confluence space, including:
  • A widget connector to share YouTube videos of conference talks and other professional video content that's off-topic for different workspaces.
  • An image to help users identify who you are and to let you share pictures of events you've attended.
  • A Jira timeline that enables you to communicate your project status to others.
Set your Confluence personal space publishers up for success by creating a simple job aid that includes a list of recommended Confluence macros and how to install them in their space.

How to include personal spaces in your Confluence strategy

Users often ignore Confluence’s personal space because it's not an explicit part of user onboarding or an overall Confluence platform strategy (that's if your organisation even has one). Managers and influential team members should set an example with personal spaces. For example, if you're the team's DevOps expert, you can share vendor white papers and blog posts about a new DevOps development you think the team should implement.

Make it clear in your strategy that having personal spaces doesn't automatically make your team writers. Instead, it's a new tool for them to share expertise and influence with management and coworkers. Then, back that expectation up with a job aid to make using the space easy for your team.

Final thoughts

It's time to stop ignoring Confluence's personal spaces – even if your organisation doesn't have a formal collaboration strategy. Sharing expertise fosters a team culture of continuous learning. Such a culture is essential to hybrid and remote team success and your organisation’s overall competitive footing in today's market.

Take your Confluence personal space further

Confluence Content Formatting Macros is your ultimate Confluence sidekick. Help users create engaging personal spaces and drive unparalleled team collaboration with a free 30-day trial.
Written by
A headshot of Will Kelly
Will Kelly
Content Writer
Will Kelly is a freelance writer. After his earlier career as a technical writer, he’s passionate about easing collaboration pain points for teams, whether technology, process, or culture. He has written about collaboration for IT industry publications.

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