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Five reasons why Confluence is essential for remote teams
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Five reasons why Confluence is essential for remote teams

A headshot of Elaine Keep
Elaine Keep
5th March, 2024
6 min read
A browser window with a stylised Confluence space and circular pictures of two people chatting.
A headshot of Elaine Keep
Elaine Keep
5th March, 2024
6 min read

Work beyond borders and barriers. Here’s why Confluence is the ideal remote team management software.

Do you have remote teams you want to support? Forget the software that checks keystrokes and tracks time. Make a remote-first culture shift with genuinely great collaboration tools like Confluence by Atlassian.

Who says you need to come back to the office? Confluence is one of the latest and best work collaboration tools which means effective work can be undertaken from any location. Confluence helps remote workers by tying everything together, keeps them actively involved in the business, and even facilitates team bonding. It's a worthy investment for managers as it helps ensure that knowledge is accessible, shared, and understood.

If you're new to Confluence, read our What is Confluence? blog. If you’re already familiar, read on to discover why Confluence is essential for remote work.

Five reasons Confluence is perfect for remote working

1. Information is centralised and accessible

With so many communication tools available to us, we can risk losing structure in how information is saved and captured. From a productivity perspective, it doesn't make sense to have hundreds of check-in calls a day.

One issue remote workers can have is the lack of access to real-time, centralised information. Where is the latest product info? What happened at the 9am meeting? And when a customer makes a request, how can the potentially multiple teams who need to know be informed?

Confluence helps create a company-wide centralised information system with a central area for everything to live. Confluence workspaces (handily called 'spaces') allow documents, data, ideas, videos, and task lists to be accessed with ease by anyone in the organisation. It's more than just passive accessing that's on offer, though. With Confluence, whether they are remote or in-house, everyone can collaborate, edit, and update pages, giving them that lovely 'part of something bigger' feeling.

2. Teams can work smoothly across multiple projects

If only we all did just our tasks and never had to help out other teams. Easy street! In reality, in most workplaces, staying in one lane is a rare treat, and your remote employees may be getting involved in loads of projects.

Software is the smart way to manage all the extra tasks this kind of work brings, and Confluence spaces keep everything all in one place, so the big project goals are visible, but employees can also assign tasks and collaborate in real time.

With Confluence, you can easily get involved with the very important-sounding ‘cross-functional project management’. That’s an impressive-sounding skill for the CV.

3. Staff don't miss out on company culture, wherever they are

Software for remote teams should be more than time management, project work, and ticking off the tasks done. Your whole workplace culture can and should come to life with the right tech behind you.

Take transparency. It's more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental way of working. Are employees the first to know about new changes and plans? Do they understand the business goals and have access to organisational charts, policies, certifications, and everything else they need? And importantly, can they communicate, voice concerns or ask questions about any issue so it’s a two-way street?

Confluence offers a new way to approach internal comms so that can happen. The spaces can store everything from company updates to policy changes to video communication from all-hands meetings and the CEO. Also, because Confluence pages are open, knowledge workers can ask questions and get answers directly on the platform, fostering a transparent and honest culture where 'they ask, you answer'.

4. You can reduce communication and increase the clarity

How many tools do you have in your business to talk to employees? Slack? Skype? Teams? Comments on boards like Asana and Trello? We don't recommend eliminating any system, especially if it works. However, for remote teams, it's crucial to ensure seamless collaboration to avoid any loss of information.

With Confluence, teams can share pages and updates directly within their Slack channels or DMs, offering a straightforward way of getting the support they need without long-winded explanations.

5. Staff can enhance their friendships

According to Gallup, when employees have genuine friends, their work improves. It's even been connected with 36% fewer safety incidents. Being lonely is no way to live and doesn’t create a desirable company culture, but how can remote workers get that same sense of belonging? You guessed it… Confluence can be used as a way to connect employees as a social intranet.

While any business chat functionality can help employees communicate, it can be viewed as a business-only platform. It also relies on having existing work friendships, and only a few would feel comfortable interrupting a workday with a chatty message about the latest Netflix show. That's why internal blogs on Confluence are such a hit. Employees can take time to pen facts and hacks about any passion, hobby, or interest they have. From easter eggs in Black Mirror to their favourite albums, workout routines, or recipes, they have a genuine connection point they can share. Others can read at their leisure and comment, allowing deep connections far superior to sharing gifs and memes on a chat channel.

Work better, wherever with Confluence

Ready to get started with best-in-class remote team management software? Confluence is a must for remote teams, and we think you’ll love it. Get started with Confluence today!
Make remote working even smoother with our Confluence apps
Written by
A headshot of Elaine Keep
Elaine Keep
Content Writer
Elaine has established herself as a respected authority in the HR industry and uses her experience gained as the head of marketing in the employee rewards and recognition software sector to inform her reporting.